Hardware Devices
1D Detectors and MCAs
Access to MCA and other miscellaneous data acquisition devices is through the functions mca_sel(), mca_get(), mca_put() and mca_par(). The first selects among several configured devices, the second transfers data from the device to spec, the third transfers data from spec to the device and the fourth implements arbitrary device-dependent capabilities.
- Bruker Vantec-1
- Canberra Lynx (DSA-3000)
- Canberra Multiport II
- Dectris Mythen 1K MCA
- Laboratory Equipment Corporation NT-2400
- Seiko EG&G Orsim MCA 7700
- Canberra PCA Multiport (formerly from The Nucleus)
- Ortec 918A Multichannel Buffer
- Princeton Applied Research Potentiostat/Galvanostat Model 283
- Princeton Instruments ST116 PDA
- Seiko EG&G Orsim MCA 7700
- Silena 7328/7329 MCA
- Ortec MCS-PCI Multichannel Scaler
- Ortec Trump-PCI 2K/8K Multichannel Buffer
- Amptek 8000/8000A Pocket MCA
- Amptek DP5 Digital Pulse Processor/MCA
- Amptek PX4 Digital Pulse Processor/MCA
- MBraun PSD-50M
- Rontec XFlash MAX MCA
- Amptek DP5 Digital Pulse Processor/MCA
- Amptek PX4 Digital Pulse Processor/MCA
- Canberra Multiport II
- XIA Saturn
- Hasylab MCA 8701
- Aptec-NRC Series 5000 (formerly from The Nucleus Microfast) (no longer made) (interface: isa)
- Canberra PCA-3 (formerly from The Nucleus) (no longer made) (interface: isa)
- FAST ComTec MCD/PC Board (interface: isa)
- Hecus ASA-32 SAX/SWAX MCA Board (interface: isa)
- Ortec Trump 2K/8K Multichannel Buffer (interface: isa)
- The Nucleus PCA-II (no longer made) (interface: isa)
- DSP 2190 MCS Averager (interface: camac)
- LeCroy 2301 interface for qVT MCA (interface: camac)
- LeCroy 3512 Spectroscopy ADC (interface: camac)
- LeCroy 3588 Fast Histogram Memory (interface: camac)
- XIA DXP4C/DXP4C2X (interface: camac)
- XIA X10P (interface: parallel)