Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

E.1.9. - Data generation

These are the routines you provide that will be called by the overhead module routines.

 Name   What it Does 
 setup()   Called once each time user function is invoked 
 user(x  Returns value for y in a type 1 function 
 user_x(t  Returns value for x in a type 2 function 
 user_y(t  Returns value for y in a type 2 function 
 user_sx(t  Returns value for r in a type 2 function 
 user_sy(t  Returns value for s in a type 2 function 
 user_x(x, y, r, s  Returns value for x in a type 3 function 
 user_y(x, y, s  Returns value for y in a type 3 function 
 user_sx(x, y, s  Returns value for r in a type 3 function 
 user_sy(x, y, r, s  Returns value for s in a type 3 function 
 user_4()   Called once in a type 4 function 

In 3D mode, replace r with z.

All the functions except setup() return values of type double. The arguments are all of type double. All but user4() are called once for each data point. The argument t is the parametric variable in the type 2 user functions. Otherwise, the arguments are the values of the appropriate coordinate of the current data point. In type 2 and 3 user functions, if you wish to keep the current value of a coordinate, simply return the argument.