E.1. - Compiling user functions
Normally you run the shell script
from the function directory to compile your user functions.
That file
usually invokes the C compiler to compile your module and link it
with the appropriate overhead modules.
If your user function contains
the string
followed by commands to compile your
function, those commands are used instead of the default commands
The commands can refer to the
or invoke the C compiler directly.
Possible ways of including the
information in a function source file are:
/* * cplot_compile: make my_func.5 */or
#if 0 cplot_compile: make my_func.5 #endif
Accessing and modifying the data structure passed to and from the plot program is simplified by a set of macros that is brought into your program with the line of code,
#include <p_funct.h>This include file also includes another, p_plot.h, that describes the above-mentioned data structure. Both include files are found in the directory
- E.1.1. - Text and labels
E.1.2. - Error-bar, line-control and orientation modes
E.1.3. - Plot type and logarithmic axes
E.1.4. - Axis ranges
E.1.5. - Plot and page window coordinates
E.1.6. - Number of points
E.1.7. - Miscellaneous macros
E.1.8. - Setting and retrieving data points
E.1.9. - Data generation
E.1.10. - Getting command line options and keyboard input
E.1.11. - Getting and setting data points
E.1.12. - Getting and setting auxiliary data arrays
E.1.13. - Quitting the function