
Software for Diffraction

1.3.14. - CAMAC, GPIB and Serial

Besides the built-in hardware support for moving motors and counting using CAMAC (IEEE-583), GPIB (IEEE-488) and serial (RS-232C) interfaces, spec provides generalized input/output support over these interfaces from the command level.

The ca_get(device, subaddress) command will return the contents of the addressed module register (F=0 in the standard FNA CAMAC command code), while ca_put(data, device, subaddress) will write the 24-bit value data to the addressed module register (F=16). The device argument is the I/O module index from the configuration file and can be 0, 1 or 2. The CAMAC slot number of the module is set in the configuration file. The subaddress argument is the module's subaddress (the A in the FNA).

spec allows you to send a string of characters to a GPIB instrument at any GPIB address and to read a string of characters from any instrument. When reading characters, spec will accept a string terminated by either a newline or by carriage return--newline, or you can specify the number of bytes to be read. For example, to initialize a particular voltmeter having GPIB address 12, you would issue the command:
1.FOURC> gpib_put(12, "D0R0Z0B0T0K1M0G1X")

That instrument might then be read with:
1.FOURC> {k_ohms = gpib_get(12); print k_ohms}
100.024 2.FOURC>

The command
1.FOURC> x = gpib_get(12, 4)

would read 4 bytes from device 12 and not look for terminators.

When sending strings using gpib_put(), you cannot send null bytes. Usually a device that requires null lower order bits in a data byte will ignore the high order (parity) bit. In this case, you can usually set that highest bit to avoid sending a null byte.

The ser_get(device, n) and ser_put(device, string) functions access the serial interface, where device is the index from the configuration file and can be 0, 1 or 2. In ser_get(), n is the most number of bytes to read. The function will return after reading one line (terminated by a newline or carriage return) from the device, even if the number of bytes is less than n. In ser_put(), string contains the characters to be written.