
Software for Diffraction

2.3.18. - Grammar Rules

This syntax summary defines how all the built-in keywords, operators and commands of spec can be combined. These grammar rules are similar to those given in standard C-language manuals. Operators are listed in order of precedence, with the highest precedence operators listed first.

The following terms are used in the grammar rules:
 lvalue   -   "Left value", something on the left side of an equals sign. 
 binop   -   A binary operator (+, -, etc.). 
 asgnop   -   An assignment operator (=, +=, etc.). 
 assoc-array   -   An associative (original-style) array. 
 assoc-elem-list   -   A space- or comma-separated list of associative array elements. 
 identifier   -   A variable. 
 identifier-list   -   A space- or comma-separated list of identifiers. 
 pattern   -   An alphanumeric string possibly containing the metacharacters ? or *
 pattern-list-opt   -   An optional space-separated list of patterns. 
 expression-list   -   A comma-separated list of expressions. 
 expr-opt   -   An optional expression. 
 ;   -   A semicolon or a newline. (A semicolon after a statement is optional if the statement is followed by a newline.) 

Note, that in the following list, the entry
expression in assoc-array
is included in the rules of what constitutes an expression. This is a special expression that evaluates to nonzero (or true ) if assoc-array[expr] is an existing element of the array, and zero (or false ) otherwise. For a two-dimensional associative array,
expr1 in assoc-array[expr2]
is nonzero if assoc-array[expr2][expr1] is an element of the array.

These are the grammar rules:
      ( expression )
      function ( expression-list )
      - expression
      ! expression
      ~ expression
      ++ lvalue
      -- lvalue
      lvalue ++
      lvalue --
      expression ? expression : expression
      expression binop expression
      expression in assoc-array
      lvalue asgnop expression
      expression , expression
      expression expression
      identifier [ expression ]
      identifier [ expression ] [ expression ]
      *   /   %
      +   -
      >>   <<
      >   <   <=   >=
      ==   !=
      =   +=   -=   *=   /=   %=   >>=   <<=   &=   ^=   |=
      array identifier[expression]
      data-array-type array identifier[expression]
      array identifier[expression][expression]
      data-array-type array identifier[expression][expression]
      { statement-list }
      statement  statement-list
      expression ;
      if ( expression ) statement
      if ( expression ) statement else statement
      while ( expression ) statement
      for ( expr-opt ; expr-opt ; expr-opt ) statement
      for ( identifier in assoc-array ) statement
      break ;
      continue ;
      exit ;
      history expr-opt ;
      lscmd pattern-list-opt ;
      print expression-list ;
      global identifier-list ;
      constant identifier  expression ;
      constant identifier  =  expression ;
      unglobal identifier-list ;
      delete assoc-elem-list ;
      delete assoc-array ;
      local identifier-list ;
      syms pattern-list-opt ;
      data-array-declaration ;
      local data-array-declaration ;
      global data-array-declaration ;
      shared data-array-declaration ;
      extern shared data-array-declaration ;
      def identifier  string-constant ;
      rdef identifier  expression ;
      undef identifier-list ;
      prdef pattern-list-opt ;
      lsdef pattern-list-opt ;
      memstat ;
      savstate ;
      reconfig ;
      getcounts ;
      move_all ;
      move_cnt ;
      sync ;