
Software for Diffraction

5.2. - Quick Install

For those who need little explanation, here are minimal installations instructions based on the customary configuration:
# First time, create a specadm user account, then
cd undefsectionspecadm
mkdir spec6.05.03              # choose name based on release
cd spec6.05.03
tar xvf .../spec_XXX.tar       # use pathname of distribution
# If an update, start with last version's parameters
cp ../spec_YYY/install_data .  # use pathname of previous distribution
./Install                      # as root
The Install program will display the current installation parameters and prompt for changes. Use the command ./Install -d to use the parameters from an existing install_data file, skipping the interactive prompts. Once the software is installed, run the spec executable and type config to invoke the hardware configuration editor.

For those needing more detailed instructions, read on.