flow control
A statement_block is either a statement or
{ statement; statement; ... }
if (condition) statement_block
if (condition) statement_block else statement_block
while (condition) statement_block
for (start; condition; increment) statement_block
for (identifier in associative_array) statement_block
Branching within loop statement_blocks:
To jump back to the command level (usually on errors):
When the if command is entered from the keyboard, the main prompt will change to more>, prompting for the associated statement block. If a newline is entered with no statement or opening curly bracket {, one additional more> prompt will be displayed since spec doesn't not know if an else will be entered. If nothing is entered, spec will be finished parsing that if command instance.
When the while or for commands are entered from the keyboard, the main prompt will also change to more>. However, if nothing is entered after the first line and there is no open curly bracket, spec will be finished parsing the command.