pb or zb

draw error bars





The pb and zb commands will draw just the error bars for a set of data to a pen plotter or graphics device, respectively. If you intend to use error bars with a particular set of data, be sure the error-bar mode is on when you read in the data from a file.

The width of the top and bottom horizontal segments of the error bars is taken from the symbol width set using the cs command. If the symbol height is larger than the error bar, no error bar will be drawn, unless the current symbol type is symbol 9, a dot, in which case the symbol height is ignored.

If data is being obtained using gd 11, gd 12 or gd 14 to read files of indefinite length, the entire data file will automatically be read and the data plotted in sections as large as the program can hold at one time. If real-time plotting is selected with gd @,C-PLOT will keep reading points from the file until terminated.

For general information on graphics filters, see the filters help file.





cs eb