Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

C.8. - hairs.4

Hairs.4 lets the user position a cursor over the high-resolution display of a plot and read off the cursor position in a variety of units.
fn hairs.4
When you use hairs.4 to position cross hairs over each current point on a screen plot, the coordinates of each point will be read off in data units or the position of the cross hairs will be displayed in window or annotation units. The hairs.4 function is only available on PC s using VGA , EGA or Hercules display adapters in native mode.

The following commands are available in hairs.4:

 Command   What it does 
 c   step through available cursors 
 C   step through available colors 
 d   toggle among user, window, annotate coordinates 
 f   toggle between fonts 
 m   toggle between scan and roam motion modes 
 q, ^D, ^C   quit 

The keyboard moves the cursor according to the following diagram:
        Motion Keys                   Multipliers
     (h j k l y u b n)
                                      Roam   Scan
      \  /                     alt:     20      5
       y u     |             shift:     50     10
     <--h   j  k  l-->     control:    100     50
       b n  |
      /   \
Using the alt, shift or control keys with one of the motion keys multiplies the motion as indicated in the table above.

In scan mode, the cursor stays on the current data points. In roam mode, the cursor can be moved anywhere on the display.

User units display the cursor position in the units of the current data points. Window units display the cursor position in terms of C-PLOT centimeters, measured from the lower-left corner of the display, and are the appropriate numbers to enter for the wi command. Annotation units display the cursor position in terms of C-PLOT centimeters measured from the upper-left corner of the plot axis window and are the appropriate numbers to enter for the zn, pn, zk and pk commands.