Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

C.15. - spline.4

Spline.4 creates data points at evenly spaced intervals using a cubic spline algorithm to interpolate new points from the old. The interpolated points lie on a cubic polynomial between each pair of original points, and each polynomial section is joined continuously to the next with continuous first and second derivatives.
fn spline.4
fn spline.4 [+s|-s] [[n=]npts] [f=from] [t=to]
fn . .
The default from and to values are the first and last values of x in the original data. If you don't enter arguments, you will be prompted for the number of points and the range to interpolate over.

The +s and -s options turn the automatic sorting and merging of data on and off. Data must be in increasing order, by x, for the spline to succeed. Also, x values must be distinct. Turning the sort off saves time for splining presorted data. The default is no sort.

Spline.4 turns off error-bar mode and error-bar values are ignored in the sorting.