Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

7.8. - pn, zn annotate

lets you copy text line by line, either directly from the keyboard or from a file, to any location on the plot page. With the annotate command you can put clarifying information on your plots or create text-only documents using C-PLOT's various fonts and font-control features.
pn horz_offset vert_offset [filename]
pn xbox ybox zbox [filename]
zn [same options]
After entering pn or zn, you can enter annotation text one line at a time, with each line drawn or displayed when you enter <return>. At the end of each line of text the drawing position advances down the page a fixed amount of space, adjustable using the set parameter (se) command (see Chapter 6). The default spacing is 1.5 times the character height. When you are finished entering text, enter ^D.

By entering values following pn or zn, you can position the annotation anywhere on the page. In 2D mode, if offset parameters are present, the annotation will begin horz_offset centimeters to the right and vert_offset centimeters down from the upper-left corner of the plot window. If one or both of the values entered for the offsets ends with the letter u, the offset values will be interpreted in data units corresponding to the axis numbering rather than in centimeters. Annotation text can be positioned outside the plot window.

In 3D mode, offsets not in data units are in box units (see bo, Chapter 5). Box units run from 0 to 1 for positions inside the 3D cube. At present, 3D annotation can only be placed in the x-z plane.

If offsets are absent, the annotation will be drawn or displayed starting at the default or the previous annotation starting point. Pen-plotter users may reposition the pen using the plotter controls. When the annotation is drawn based on the last-used starting position, that position is remembered in terms of its actual location in the plot window, not data units. The last-used position is forgotten when the window is changed (wi) or the plot is turned (tu).

The default starting position for annotation text in 2D mode is h = 0.125 × x_length and v = 0.125 × y_length, where x_length and y_length are the dimensions of the plot window. The default starting position for annotation text in 3D mode in box units is x = 0.125, y = 0 and z = 0.125.

Each line of input text starts a new line on the plot unless the input line ends with a \. Since the maximum length of an input line is 255 characters and an input line may include formatting characters that will not be drawn, you may need more than one input line to create a single line of text on the plot. Ending a line with a \ lets you string input lines together.

Beginning a line with \C will center the line horizontally in the window.

An initial \ is required to enter initial blank spaces from the keyboard because C-PLOT normally strips away blank spaces at the start of a line. Changing character size within a line does not change the line spacing. If you use special character sequences, the size and slant of the characters are reset to their original values after each input line.