Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

5.9. - ty select type of plot

lets you control many details of how the plot looks, such as whether to use linear or logarithmic axes and how to number and put tick marks on the axes.
ty x_type y_type overall_type
ty x_type y_type z_type overall_type
The ty command allows you to format plots interactively or by entering a simple set of codes. C-PLOT encodes the format for a plot in three or four numerical flags. The first flag describes the x axis. The second controls the y axis. The third, in 3D mode, controls the z axis. The last selects overall plot features. There are three ways to select values for the flags: If you know these numbers you can enter them as arguments to the ty command. If you know the numbers but don't remember the order in which to enter them, ty will prompt for them one at a time. Finally, if you don't know the appropriate numbers, you can select one feature at a time as prompted. C-PLOT will display the encoded numbers after you have made your format choices so you can select the same features more quickly next time. (Instructions for working with the coding scheme are given below.)

The two tables that follow list features controlled by ty. The value column gives the numerical code for the alternate mode shown for each feature. (The default mode in each case has a value of zero.) The octal column is an alternative notation for each value. Hexadecimal notation also is recognized (see below). The first table presents the options you can select that control the overall plot type.