Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

5.5. - ra, ro select axis range, select range options

C-PLOT sets the axis ranges and the positioning and style of the tick marks when the first set of data is read. It will maintain these parameters until np is executed, the ranges are changed using ra or ro, or the reset command, re, clears the current data.

Select axis range lets you set minimum and maximum ranges for each axis. Select range options lets you choose the style of the axis tick marks in addition to setting the range.
ra x|y|z
ra xmin [xmax [ymin [ymax [zmin [zmax]]]]]
ra y ymin [ymax]
ra z zmin [zmax]
ro x|y|z
When ra is entered, C-PLOT prompts for minimum and maximum values for each axis. The current minimum and maximum are shown in parentheses. Enter <return> to maintain the current values. If you specify a single axis by entering x, y or z as an argument, you will only be asked to range that axis.

If you only range one axis and there is data present, you will be asked if you want C-PLOT to reset the ranges on the other axes. If so, the program will reset the other axes so they include only the range of points corresponding to the plot section you chose for the first axis range.

If you specify one to six numerical arguments, they will be taken as, in order, the minimum and maximum values for the x-axis, then the y-axis, then the z-axis. You also can give the argument y and specify one or two values for the y-axis range or the argument z and specify one or two values for the z-axis range. You won't be prompted for other information when you give numerical arguments.

C-PLOT ordinarily automatically determines the positioning and spacing of the tick marks and the numbering of each axis. You can control these parameters, however, either by using the ty command (see below) or by setting them with the ro command.

Entered without an argument, ro will prompt for the range minimums and maximums for all axes. If you specify x, y or z, you will be prompted only for that axis. In addition, ro will prompt you to choose among three other options:       
  •        Exact Ranges . The axis will begin and end at the specified minimum and maximum. The tick spacing and numbering will be decided according to C-PLOT's standard algorithm. The default is off.       
  •        Axis Padding . The first and last tick marks will be moved in slightly from the end of the axis if the minimum or maximum range value is too near to or coincides with the first and last tick positions. Axis padding cannot be used with the exact-ranges option. The default is on.       
  •        User-Defined Tick Spacing . The first and last tick marks and the corresponding axis numbers will coincide with the minimum and maximum range values. With linear axes, you specify how many intervals are to be used and how many intermediate tick marks are to be placed in each interval. With logarithmic axes, you specify how many major intervals between numbers and the number of intermediate tick marks. The latter is rounded down to eight, two or zero. The default is off.

    The next example shows the effect of axis padding and exact ranges: