5.16. - tw
tweak plot orientation
interactively rotates the 3D axis orientation
twThe tweak command is useful for interactively setting the view point of a 3D plot. The graphics filter should be a display terminal. If the filter is associated with a printer, you will generate a plot each time you hit
. Although you normally specify the orientation of the 3D axis in C-PLOT using view-point coordinates, the
command works in terms
of rotation angles.
When you enter
, the current rotation
angles, the view-point radial distance and the view-point coordinates
are printed, along with the four current tweak deltas.
The first three
deltas are the increments to the rotation angles that will be made
each time you hit
. The last delta is the increment
to the view-point distance.
If you just hit
, the current deltas will be added to
the angles and view-point distance, the view point will be recalculated
and the 3D plot will be redrawn.
However, you can enter new deltas
before you press
. Only the values you enter -- up
to four -- will be used.
You can use a dot in any of the positions
to use the current value for that delta.
A single minus sign in one
of the positions changes the sign of the corresponding delta.
sets the value of the corresponding delta to
to quit tweak mode and restore text mode on graphics
The view-point parameters set with the
will be updated to reflect the current orientation.
On video terminals that use a serial line for sending both text and graphics, such as 4014 emulators, use the
command to turn
off echoing of input and the sending of output text to the terminal
before entering
. When you exit tweak mode, echoing of input
and sending of output will be restored.
command also functions in 2D mode, although only the
first delta, which corresponds to the swivel parameter (see
) has an effect.