Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

5.14. - bo select 3D box ratios

sets the relative sizes of the 3D axis box edges.
bo x|. y|. z|.
The axes of 3D plots can be imagined as drawn in a box, whose relative dimensions are set with the bo command. One corner of the box is at coordinates (0,0,0) in box units. The opposite corner is at the position specified by x, y and z.

The numbers you enter will be rescaled so that the longest side of the box has a length of one box unit. You can use a dot for any of the arguments to indicate that the current value should be used.

For example, the command bo 10 10 4 will create an axis box that is shorter in the z direction. The length of the x and y sides of the box will be one box unit. The length of the z side will be 0.4 box units.

The commands that draw annotation and the key (pn, zn, pk and zk) use box units to position the text when data units are not chosen using the u suffix.