Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

5.12. - wi select plot window

lets you place plots anywhere on the page and lets you draw them in any size rectangle that will fit on the page. You can put multiple plots on a single page by choosing suitable windows for each.
wi #
wi width height
wi vert_offset width height
wi horz_offset vert_offset width height
With no arguments and with no pen plotter initialized, wi will display the current window size and position. A single argument will set the plot size according to the following coding:

 Selection code    Window size 
 0   20cm x 15cm (the default) 
 1   15cm x 15cm 
 2   15cm x 12.5cm 
 3   12.5cm x 12.5cm 
 9   The entire available area 

Two arguments will specify the width and height of the plot. The first argument is the width, the second the height.

If there are three arguments, the first value represents the distance from the bottom of the drawing area to the bottom of the plot window. The second and third arguments are the width and height. The plots are drawn centered horizontally on the page.

If there are four arguments, the first value is the distance from the left edge of the drawing area to the left edge of the plot window. The second value is the distance from the bottom of the drawing area to the bottom of the plot. The third argument is the width of the plot and the fourth argument is its height.

If vert_offset or horz_offset are negative, they represent offsets from the top or right side of the plot window to the top or right side of the drawing area. The offset argument -0 places the plot window adjacent to the corresponding edge of the drawing area.

Select plot window, like annotate and draw key (see pn and zn, pk and zk, Chapter 6), uses pen-plotter centimeter units. The units correspond to actual centimeters on the pen plotter. Centimeter units on the graphics filter device will only be exact if you have selected the appropriate scaling factors using the sc command (see Chapter 9).

Using four arguments to wi, you have complete control over the position and size of the plot and can easily place multiple plots on a page, as shown in the following example: